This is my cat Hudson.
He is creeping on 20 years and I love my fur-boy to bits.
But like any other cat, trying to get him to do anything is a never-ending battle.
I also have a 5-year-old human boy. If you have one too, trying to get him to do anything is also a never-ending battle.
If I had to choose one to battle, it would choose the human.
Anyone who has a cat or both know my struggle especially when it comes to medicating a cat.
You will more than likely end up with scratches and a tetanus shot if you attempt to give a cat anything orally.
Here at Mckenzies Compounding we offer the option of a transdermal cream to medicate your fur baby including my Hudson.
See for yourself…
As you can see, no scratches were received and a relatively unphased cat.
Many cats are often diagnosed with conditions such as hyperthyroidism that require them to be medicated. They may be prescribed a medicated cream to apply to the ears.
Here at Mckenzies Compounding, we can provide this cream in a pre-measured dosed pump pen to deliver precise and repeatable dosages, so you don’t have to worry about measuring the correct dose each time.
Available in two devices, each pump will deliver the prescribed dose which can then be gently rubbed into the cat’s ear with minimal resistance.
The devices ensures almost all the product is used leaving minimal residue compared to the traditional tube that we often see cream packed into.
It allows you to dispense the cream in any position, a bonus when it comes to trying to keep your cat from running away and measuring the dose.
The devices have a UV protectant coating to protect the cream from harmful UV.
One battle won. Now to tackle the furball presents that keep popping up around the house….