Palmitoylethanolamide (PEA) – An Option for Chronic Pain Relief

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There are few things in this world more debilitating than long term chronic pain, and the search for relief is never-ending for many. One of the newer options available is palmitoylethanolamide, known as PEA. First discovered in 1957 by a group of researchers in Czechoslovakia, palmitoylethanolamide is a natural pain killer for chronic and neuropathic… Continue reading Palmitoylethanolamide (PEA) – An Option for Chronic Pain Relief

Veterinary Compounding For Your Pet

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Are you finding it hard to give your pet their medication? Here’s how we can help… If you are a pet owner, then you have more than likely experienced the headache of administering medication. We can help relieve the stress of medication time by compounding their medication into forms better suited to their needs. Before… Continue reading Veterinary Compounding For Your Pet